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When birds lose the ability to fly, their bodies change faster than their feathers

A patient's ability to perform a cardiac stress test offers a critical window on their mortality risk

A patient’s ability to perform a cardiac stress test offers a critical window on their mortality risk - EurekAlert

The ocean is losing its ability to store heat as the planet warms up

Are Southern California Fires Outpacing Wildlife’s Ability to Adapt? -- "The increased frequency and size of conflagrations like those burning in LA threaten even species that evolved with wildfires, including the region’s struggling mountain lions."

Early study reveals why sleeping pills may not supply the best-quality snooze: A new study in mice suggests that sleeping pills may impede the brain's ability to "cleanse" itself during sleep.

Ferns’ ability to evolve ‘backward’ offers insights into the meandering path of evolution

Extreme heat may rapidly sap the ocean’s ability to absorb CO2

'It explains why our ability to focus has gone to hell': Screens are assaulting our Stone Age brains with more information than we can handle

New study shows how dementia affects the brain's ability to empathise - EurekAlert

How dementia affects the brain's ability to empathize

Brain stimulation effectiveness tied to learning ability, not age

Researchers Give Animal Cells the Ability to Photosynthesize for the First Time

Developing Expertise Improves the Brain’s Ability to Concentrate

New treatment helps children with rare spinal condition regain ability to walk - EurekAlert

Research reveals how stormy conditions affect albatrosses' ability to feed

High fluid intelligence boosts ability to accept corrected misinformation

Your ability to balance on one leg may be a r - EurekAlert

Drier winter habitat impacts songbirds’ ability to survive migration - EurekAlert

Drier winter habitat impacts songbirds' ability to survive migration